I replaced the Riccardi reducer on my 10″.
It’s a new TS-Optics RC 0.8x Corrector Reducer for Ritchey Chretien telescopes.
All these changes are following the adaptation to the new camera QHY268M received last April.
This new reducer replaced the previous fantastic Riccardi reducer M63.
Basically due the previous reducer was not able to provide a good flat field to the current sensor, at any distance.
The new one corector is a massive piece of glass with M68 threads, now all my imaging train has migrated to M54.
Last night with only a millimetric set of M54 rings it was possible to test it at 82mm (16.9% curvature) and +- 1mm (circa 30%).
The initial results are so far so good and I am waiting for the new set of micrometric rings to do the fine adjustment with better seeing.
This is a Lum 60s frame with poor seeing and not perfect quiding….

More updates soon!!!
Hi jose
do you have more back focus information for TS-Optics RC 0.8x Corrector Reducer ?
Thank you in advance.
From Capt. Kang
Hi Hangul, only few weeks ago I changed this tube to a new CFF10 and I am working on the reight distance again, I am using the distance provided by TS as good adding the 1/3 of the size of the filters.
I’m also thinking to take one of this tube, how did you found with it in this year?
Looking for a reducer to reach fullframe… i will come crazy ^_^
Hi Jose,
I am working on a very similar setup and I could use your help.
Scope is a TS 10″ truss, Esatto 3 focuser, 0.8 TS reducer and QHY268 FW with the thin FW (17.5mm).
I am curious what adapter have you used to connect the camera to the corrector?
Is it all made of the QHY extension discs?
Since the back focus is 82mm I am struggling to get than using only the qhy discs. I’ll need super long screws to get to the FW threads.
Dear Tudor, I use a custom adapter made at https://www.teleskop-express.de/
I hope this helps 😀
Hi Jose,
I am still struggling with using this corrector. There is not much information on it and what are the necessary distances to achieve focus.
I am trying to use it with a 10″ Truss, Esatto 3 focuser, QHY268m with a QHY filter wheel.
I tried using the corrector threaded to the focuser and was not able to achieve focus.
I also tried a custom adapter to sink the reducer into the focuser but this didn’t work either.
I really don’t understand where the focus point is.
I am using 82mm of spacing from the reducer to camera sensor. This is what the TS site says.
Any ideas?
Best regards, and happy new year!
What I did was a test with the reducer at 82mm and moving the group (camaera corrector) to find focus manual and have and idea where need to be. Maybe this picture shows better what I did