New full reprocess of this popular object after to be published by me on natural colors palette on January.
This images is a result of a 65 hours of integration time using rgb and narrow band filters.
The Jellyfish Nebula (IC 443) is a supernova remnant located in the constellation Gemini.
It is situated about 5,000 light-years away from Earth and spans across an area of about 50 light-years in diameter.
The nebula got its name because of its tentacle-like structures, which resemble those of a jellyfish.
These structures are formed from the shockwaves created by the explosion of a massive star, which occurred about 30,000 years ago.
The explosion produced a blast wave that is still expanding outward, colliding with the surrounding interstellar gas and dust and creating the striking filamentary structure we see today.
The Jellyfish Nebula emits light across a broad range of wavelengths, from radio waves to X-rays.
The filaments of gas and dust are primarily made up of hydrogen, but also contain other elements such as oxygen and sulfur.
The nebula also contains a pulsar, a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation.
Observations of the Jellyfish Nebula have provided important insights into the processes that shape and influence the interstellar medium. It is a popular target for astronomers studying supernova remnants and their interactions with the surrounding interstellar material.
Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses
Takahashi Epsilon-160ED
Imaging Cameras
Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro ×
Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm · Baader Green (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm · Baader H-alpha 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm · Baader O-III 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm · Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm · Baader S-II 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm
Pegasus Astro FocusCube2 · Pegasus Astro Powerbox Advance Gen2 · QHYCCD QHYCFW3-M-US · TS-Optics Off-axis guider 9mm (TSOAG9G2) ×
Starkeeper Voyager Custom Array
Guiding Cameras
Acquisition details
Jan. 23, 2022 · Jan. 25, 2022 · Jan. 26, 2022 · Jan. 29, 2022 · Jan. 31, 2022
Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 115×60″(1h 55′) (gain: 0.00) bin 1×1
Baader Green (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 115×60″(1h 55′) (gain: 0.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Baader H-alpha 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 146×600″(24h 20′) (gain: 1600.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Baader O-III 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 102×600″(17h) (gain: 1600.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 115×60″(1h 55′) (gain: 0.00) -15°C bin 1×1
Baader S-II 6.5nm (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 112×600″(18h 40′) (gain: 1600.00) -15°C bin 1×1
65h 45′
Avg. Moon age:
24.07 days
Avg. Moon phase:
RA center: 06h18m11s.78
DEC center: +22°35′04″.9
Pixel scale: 3.557 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 0.127 degrees
Field radius: 1.239 degrees
WCS transformation: thin plate spline
Find images in the same area
Resolution: 2082×1398
File size: 5.3 MB
Locations: AAS Montsec, Àger, Lleida, Spain
Data source: Own remote observatory
Remote source: Non-commercial independent facility
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