Really dense region on dark nebulae.
Imagen taken with a “simple” equipement, an inexpensive mount, a camera lens and ASI1600 camera.
The key point to that picture is this high f.3 used and a really dark site location.
And of course, also fine processing is needed to show all that beauty
I will continue with this setup for a while, I am thinking of changing the mount to a new one with harmonic drives…. will see.
Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM
Imaging Cameras
ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool
OpenAstroTech OpenAstroTracker
Astronomik L-2 UV-IR Block 36mm · Astronomik Green Deep-Sky 36mm · Astronomik Red Deep-Sky 36mm · Astronomik Blue Deep-Sky 36mm
ZWO EFW · AstroMechanics ASCOM Canon EF Lens Controller · TALON6 R.O.R
Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Acquisition details
Jan. 29, 2022
Astronomik Blue Deep-Sky 36mm: 80×60″ (1h 20′) (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1×1
Astronomik Green Deep-Sky 36mm: 80×60″ (1h 20′) (gain: 75.00) bin 1×1
Astronomik L-2 UV-IR Block 36mm: 300×60″ (5h) (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1×1
Astronomik Red Deep-Sky 36mm: 80×60″ (1h 20′) (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1×1
Avg. Moon age:
26.44 days
Avg. Moon phase:
RA center: 04h16m20s.23
DEC center: +28°07′13″.1
Pixel scale: 5.346 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: -57.174 degrees
Field radius: 2.961 degrees
WCS transformation: thin plate spline
More info:Open
Locations: AAS Montsec, Àger, Lleida, Spain
Data source: Own remote observatory
Remote source: Non-commercial independent facility
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2n5cPbg