NGC 6820 is a small reflection nebula near the open cluster NGC 6823 in Vulpecula. The reflection nebula and cluster are embedded in a large faint emission nebula called Sh 2-86. The whole area of nebulosity is often referred to as NGC 6820.
Open star cluster NGC 6823 is about 50 light years across and lies about 6000 light years away. The center of the cluster formed about two million years ago and is dominated in brightness by a host of bright young blue stars. Outer parts of the cluster contain even younger stars. It forms the core of the Vulpecula OB1 stellar association. (Description credits: Wikipedia)
Technical card
Imaging telescope or lens:Teleskop Service TS Photoline 107mm f/6.5 Super-Apo
Imaging camera:ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool
Mount:Astro-Physics Mach-1 GTO CP4
Guiding telescope or lens:Celestron OAG Deluxe
Guiding camera:QHYCCD QHY5III174
Focal reducer:Riccardi Reducer/Flattener 0.75x
Software:Main Sequence Software Seqence Generator Pro, Astro-Physics AAPC, Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Filters:Baader Planetarium Ha 1.25″ 7nm, Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm, Astrodon S-II 36mm – 5nm, Astrodon O-III 36mm – 5nm, Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm, Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm, Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm
Accessories:ZWO EFW, MoonLite NiteCrawler WR30
Resolution: 4552×3428
Dates: July 27, 2017, Aug. 3, 2018, Aug. 4, 2018, Aug. 5, 2018
Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 15×10″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 15×10″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm: 23×300″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Baader Planetarium Ha 1.25″ 7nm: 37×120″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon O-III 36mm – 5nm: 15×300″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 15×10″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon S-II 36mm – 5nm: 18×300″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Integration: 6.0 hours
Avg. Moon age: 17.52 days
Avg. Moon phase: 44.61% job: 2213054
RA center: 295.811 degrees
DEC center: 23.263 degrees
Pixel scale: 1.469 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 89.830 degrees
Field radius: 1.163 degrees
Data source: Backyard
via Flickr