Could be shocking, but I add a seismograph to my astro equipement.
Always I was curious about the earthquakes and the correlation with a possible error on the astronomical tracking.
We spend a big money to have a nice astronomical mount capable of follow the stars on the sky in a really small deviations. Sometimes the flexure of the equipment or even small earthquakes could ruin the tracking process.
I joined this initiative call Shakenet with one seismograph installed on my remote observatory.
My station ID is AM.R3C11 and you could see my measurements on the Shakenet website and also see another info and nice details about earthquakes surveys.

Due it’s installed in a quiet place it is possible to capture a small and far away earthquakes like this of 2.6 in Greece at 1500 km :
or a faraway one like this on Aleutian Island at more than 9.600km and 5.6
or a big one very close, 6.3 at Italy
also it’s possible to use a local software extracting the data from the device directly
I hope to take some time soon to check the relation between this mesures and the tracking errors.