The heart of the Heart nebula revisited using the “natural palette” with special attention to the dark nebulas there.
It a complete rework of a previous image made on SHOrgb.
A total of 57 hours of integration and a lot of intermediate version on the process.
Still I think that I could obtain more details, but this will be next year (maybe 😛 ).
Technical card
Imaging telescopes or lenses:Teleskop Service TS Photoline 107mm f/6.5 Super-Apo , Altair Astro RC250-TT 10″ RC Truss Tube
Imaging cameras:ZWO ASI183MM-Cool , ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool
Mounts:Skywatcher EQ6R Pro , Mesu 200 Mk2
Guiding telescopes or lenses:Celestron OAG Deluxe , Teleskop Service TSOAG9 Off-Axis Guider
Guiding cameras:ZWO ASI290 Mini , ZWO ASI174 Mini
Focal reducers:Riccardi Reducer/Flattener 0.75x , Telescope-Service TS 2″ Flattener
Software:Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight , Seqence Generator Pro
Filters:Astrodon O-III 36mm – 5nm , Astrodon S-II 36mm – 5nm , Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm , Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm , Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm , Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm , Optolong SII 6.5nm 36mm , Optolong OIII 6.5nm 36mm
Accessory:ZWO EFW , MoonLite NiteCrawler WR30 , MoonLite CSL 2.5″ Focuser with High Res Stepper Motor
Dates:Nov. 29, 2019
Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 90×30″ (gain: 75.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 90×30″ (gain: 75.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm: 166×600″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Optolong OIII 6.5nm 36mm: 80×600″ (gain: 183.00) -15C bin 1×1
Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 90×30″ (gain: -75.00) -15C bin 1×1
Optolong SII 6.5nm 36mm: 80×600″ (gain: 183.00) -15C bin 1×1
Integration: 56.6 hours
Avg. Moon age: 2.95 days
Avg. Moon phase: 9.53%
Astrometry.net job: 3907933
RA center: 2h 34′ 16″
DEC center: +61° 21′ 18″
Pixel scale: 1.007 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 359.646 degrees
Field radius: 0.408 degrees
Resolution: 1760×2328
Locations: AAS Montsec, Àger, Lleida, Spain
Data source: Own remote observatory
Remote source: Non-commercial independent facility
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2jQdETh