From some time to now I manage some RMS meteor cameras on the RMS network (GMN network) in Catalonia, Spain.
Last days I upgraded from the initial 3 cameras (es0001, es0004 and es0005) with 4 additional more (es000b, es000c, es000d and es000e).
Each night you could look at the results of this hunting into this webpage IStrastream, where all graphics are published.
Also you could check all the results on the new visualizer app at this site from the processed days.
Only in January with 2 stations running we track more that 200 meteors.

I am really happy to see the first meteors tracked between my stations and other stations in Madrid and Galicia.
Next image is about the fists meteor detected interstations on Burgos and Valladolid at 500km

And also I am really happy to show the first meteor detected from Barcelona city center and one station at Ager. Using a RMS station in a city center like Barcelona is challenging due to light pollution but… it works!!!

After fifteen days running with a lot of cloudy nights we could see 68 detection spread all around and not only concentrated on the first area covered by only two cameras.

Currently the coverage of my station is increasing it a lot. On the next picture you will find in red the cameras from Ager, in green from Berga and yellow from Barcelona.

I hope to see more camera going online on my area soon!!!!
If you want any further information, just contact me 😀