First image captured with the new dual rig configuration.
More than 56 hours of integration time. (Usually I am integrating 25 hours.. now dual rig 😀 is working ).
NGC 7635, also known as the Bubble Nebula, Sharpless 162, or Caldwell 11, is an H II region emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. It lies close to the direction of the open cluster Messier 52. The “bubble” is created by the stellar wind from a massive hot, 8.7 magnitude young central star, SAO 20575.
The nebula is near a giant molecular cloud which contains the expansion of the bubble nebula while itself being excited by the hot central star, causing it to glow. (Desc creditcs: Wikipedia)
Technical card
Imaging telescopes or lenses:Altair Astro RC250-TT 10″ RC Truss Tube, Teleskop Service TS Photoline 107mm f/6.5 Super-Apo
Imaging cameras:ZWO ASI183MM-Cool, ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool
Mounts:Mesu 200 Mk2, Skywatcher EQ6R Pro
Guiding telescopes or lenses:Teleskop Service TSOAG9 Off-Axis Guider, Celestron OAG Deluxe
Guiding cameras:ZWO ASI174 Mini, ZWO ASI290 Mini
Focal reducers:Riccardi Reducer/Flattener 0.75x, Telescope-Service TS 2″ Flattener
Software:Main Sequence Software Seqence Generator Pro, Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight
Filters:Optolong OIII 6.5nm 36mm, Optolong SII 6.5nm 36mm, Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm, Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm, Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm, Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm, Astrodon S-II 36mm – 5nm, Astrodon O-III 36mm – 5nm
Accessories:ZWO EFW, MoonLite NiteCrawler WR30, MoonLite CSL 2.5″ Focuser with High Res Stepper Motor
Resolution: 2090×1760
Dates:Oct. 1, 2019, Oct. 11, 2019, Oct. 16, 2019, Oct. 18, 2019, Oct. 23, 2019, Oct. 28, 2019
Astrodon B Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 70×30″ (gain: 75.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon G Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 70×30″ (gain: 75.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon HA 36mm – 5nm: 162×600″ (gain: 200.00) -20C bin 1×1
Optolong OIII 6.5nm 36mm: 83×600″ (gain: 111.00) -15C bin 1×1
Astrodon R Gen.2 E-series 36mm: 70×30″ (gain: 75.00) -20C bin 1×1
Astrodon S-II 36mm – 5nm: 82×600″ (gain: 111.00) -15C bin 1×1
Integration: 56.2 hours
Avg. Moon age: 12.78 days
Avg. Moon phase: 51.26% job: 3037365
RA center: 350.189 degrees
DEC center: 61.178 degrees
Pixel scale: 1.007 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: 270.802 degrees
Field radius: 0.382 degrees
Locations: AAS Montsec, Àger, Lleida, Spain
Data source: Own remote observatory
Remote source: Non-commercial independent facility
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