First solar image captured completely remote from my observatory 200km away.
Now we need more solar activity 😀 but I feel that something has changed on the last last times…..
Technical card
Imaging telescopes or lenses: Lunt Solar Systems LS60FHa (Double Stack)
Imaging cameras: ZWO ASI174MM
Mounts: Skywatcher EQ6R Pro
Software: Emil Kraaikamp Autostackert! 3 · SharpCap
Accessory: Astrolink 4.0 mini · PrimaLuceLab Sesto Senso focuser · TALON6 R.O.R
Date: March 30, 2021
Time: 11:34
Frames: 10000
FPS: 170.00000
Focal length: 500
Resolution: 1862×1454
Data source: Own remote observatory
Remote source: Non-commercial independent facility
via Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2kRWNk8